This month's haul is pretty much like last month's *laughs* It's all Kuroshitsuji and Card Captor Sakura-related!
Sakura's box is absolutely adorable! On the right side of the box is a cute flower design and on the back has a nice graphic design of the figure itself, as well as close-ups of her face and Kero. The only thing I don't like about the box is the fact that the left side of the box has no support; meaning, it's just the plastic wrap all along the side (no cardboard). You can easily dent the side of the box this way.
I am very impressed with her sculpt and paint job! I was a little nervous at first because the prototype photos showed her face as being "chubby" at certain angles, but I'm glad they fixed that! She's absolutely stunning and definitely one of my favorite figures in my collection.
The huge wings attach to the sealing wand's wings and Kero has a little peg that you insert into Sakura's dress. Everything was very easy to assemble!
♥ Tomoyo Daidouji prize figure by SEGA ("pastel pearl" version) ♥
Tomoyo's box was a LOT larger than I anticipated. The figure itself is also QUITE large as well. There is no assembly needed, as she is already glued onto the obnoxiously large pink base.
For being an older prize figure, I'm quite impressed with the quality! She has a pearlescent sheen (not sure why they call it 'pastel' version but okay Sega) to her and her hair is a little lighter than the regular version of this figure. She's around 8 inches tall, which is pretty large for a prize figure and is the size of most scaled figures these days.
♥ Sebastian Michaelis Kotobukiya ARTFX-J 1/8 scaled figure ♥
Sebastian's box design is similar to that of Ciel's. Very pretty and has a perfect window to view his lovely self.
Sebas-chan~~ The frames fit into the base quite easily (the second, smaller one fits into the larger frame). His sculpt is pretty nice, as well as his face. It could still have improvements, but I'm not quite complaining considering this is the nicest Sebastian figure on the market (G.E.M. and Aniplex's make him look so unattractive and derpy, it disgusts me). The base is lovely and there's JUST enough room to fit Ciel! My OTP can be united hehe.
The only thing I dislike about Sebastian's figure is the damn PLATTER. There is NO peg or support at all. It simply "rests" on top of his hand. If you don't balance it correctly, it easily slides off his fingers. Considering the fact that the plate consists of flowers and a small chess piece, it can easily break. Due to this, I decided to place the platter at the corner of his base (not shown in the picture above) so it doesn't break. A pretty big flaw, if I do say so myself. He looks quite awkward without it.
♥ Sebastian Michaelis nendoroid ♥
I finally have one of my grail nendoroids! He is an older one, so his base is a lot different than the current nendoroids today. I do have to say, the circular bases are very weird. They hold the nendoroid up by the legs.
Someone's happy to see bocchan~~! Ciel's nendoroid comes with the tea platter and towel parts for Sebastian.
Thank you for reading~! Please look forward to my May haul.
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