Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Haul: Sailor Moon Keychain + Bioshock Infinite!

I received two packages in the mail the other day - a Sailor Moon keychain by GE Animation and a anniversary gift I got for my boyfriend - Bioshock Infinite for the PC!
I accidentally cut the top off of the keychain's packaging because the seller who packaged it literally stuffed it in the smallest packet available so I had no choice in order to open it... oh well :c

My boyfriend built a gaming computer with the most high-tech up to date really expensive stuff, so he prefers playing his games on that over his MacBook Pro or even XBox 360. He has wanted this game for a while now, and I didn't know what else to get him, so I got him this! I found a really nice deal on eBay for it, so I didn't have to pay full retail price c: Hopefully he likes it!

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